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Archive for March, 2025
Bosnian Rainbows
Bosnian Rainbows
Bosnian Rainbows

The adage “less is more” might not have applied to any of the projects with which guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez has been associated in the past. For the past decade or so, the guy made some serious noise with both At the Drive...

A Good Day to Die Hard
A Good Day to Die Hard
A Good Day to Die Hard

When it comes to delivering sarcastic one-liners, Bruce Willis is a real pro. And as John McLane he has plenty of opportunity to do just that. In fact, some of the lines from the first film of the franchise — 1988’s Die Hard — ...

The Chieftains
The Chieftains
The Chieftains

For 50 years now, The Chieftains have been the standard-bearer of Irish folk music and have played venues throughout the world. They’ve been popular in the states since the early ’70s, but the band isn’t stuck in the past. It r...

Side Effects
Side Effects
Side Effects

Writer-director Steven Soderbergh does a bit of a juggling act with Side Effects, allegedly his swan song. On one hand, the film offers a critique of a pill-popping culture that makes people into guinea pigs for pharmaceutical ...


Daedelus (Alfred Darlington) has been making electronic music for over a decade now. While he hasn’t reached the level of popularity of other electronic dance music artists such as Skrillex or Bass Nectar, he’s one of the scene...

Stand Up Guys Q+A
Stand Up Guys Q+A
Stand Up Guys Q+A

We already reviewed Stand Up Guys, the story of an aging trio of criminals who hit the streets for an action-packed night out on the town after pal Val (Al Pacino) is released from an extended stint in jail. The old gang (Chris...

John Dies At The End
John Dies At The End
John Dies At The End

Directing his first film when he was 19, the now 58-year-old Don Coscarelli has built a cult following through the years with the release of B-movies like Phantasm and Bubba Ho-Tep. The campy John Dies at the End continues Cosc...

Stand Up Guys
Stand Up Guys
Stand Up Guys

Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin and Al Pacino are oldies but goodies. They’re veteran actors who aren’t beyond taking roles in small, independent films that have little change of turning into box office hits. And they do a decen...

Album Reviews
Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson

In addition to being the seventh track on Richard Thompson‘s new CD, Electric (out February 5 on New West Records), “Where’s Home?” is also an appropriate question for the musician Rolling Stone magazine appropriately cal...

Ken Stringfellow
Ken Stringfellow
Ken Stringfellow

Ken Stringfellow has had a terrific run with The Posies, the power-pop band that he founded with fellow singer-songwriter Jon Auer in 1986. But Stringfellow, who now lives in Paris, also has had a terrific solo career and is to...