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Archive for March, 2025
Album Release
TOKiMONSTA photo by Bethany Vargas
TOKiMONSTA photo by Bethany Vargas
TOKiMONSTA photo by Bethany Vargas

"The best thing about a remix is how a single song can be infinitely reimagined and rebirthed.”

Album Release
Son Lux
Son Lux
Son Lux

“The sound of Son Lux is discovered through a very intentional and deliberate process of experimentation where the end result is often entirely unknown.”

Album Release
Wye Oak
Wye Oak
Wye Oak

“As naturally curious creatures, the idea of seeing everything at once initially sounds intriguing, but, of course, we quickly reach the limits of what we can consume, and are forced to contend with how little we can actually c...