When we last saw super villain Gru (Steve Carell), he had just given up his evil ways to pursue a life of tranquility as father to three orphan girls. That’s essentially where 2010’s Despicable Me ended and the new sequel, Desp...
Monsters University is the much-anticipated prequel to the beloved 2001 Pixar buddy comedy, Monsters, Inc. The film shows us how animated odd couple Mike (Billy Crystal) and Sully (John Goodman) first met while studying to purs...
We initially didn’t have high hopes for The Croods, an animated feature about a group of prehistoric cave dwellers whose lives are interrupted when the earth’s plates begin to shift. Wild man Nicolas Cage voices Grug, the famil...
Ostensibly a Christmas movie, Rise of the Guardians, an animated 3D flick based on the William Joyce book series, has a pretty good twist. While it refers to both Santa and Jack Frost, it throws a few other magical childhood he...
Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph shows us what happens when a video game villain gets tired of playing the bad guy at every drop of a quarter. In Fix-It Felix, Jr., an old school Donkey Kong-like arcade game, Ralph (John C. Reilly) is p...
Writer-director Tim Burton has a way of making us sympathize with monsters. Whether it’s Beetlejuice or Edward Scissorhands, Burton makes freaks and geeks into lovable, misunderstood creatures. He tries to work that magic...