While writer-director Spike Jonze’s new film Her makes the most of a good gimmick (man falls in love with Siri-like computer voice), Her transcends the subject matter. Part of the credit belongs to Joaquin Phoenix, who turns in...
At the beginning of writer-director John Krokidas’ Kill Your Darlings, it’s difficult to tell the film’s main character is future Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. Allen (Daniel Radcliffe) seems very docile and removed from life, cater...
It’s not often that a film honestly addresses the factors that attract people to one another and that depicts the goodheartedness of people without resorting to the sappy soundtrack music cues and other mainstream devices...
The first 15 minutes of Beautiful Creatures are actually quite promising. Writer-director Richard LaGravenese (P.S. I Love You) shows some restraint as he introduces us to Ethan (Alden Ehrenreich), a young teenager who just can...
It’s any wonder Warm Bodies, yet another zombie apocalypse flick, has a chance. From Zombieland to Shaun of the Dead, there’s been a glut of zombie stories in recent years. And yet, director Jonathan Levine’s coming-of-age post...
For the first 90 minutes, Rust and Bone is stereotypical art house fare. The French-Belgian film centers on Stephanie (Marion Cotillard), a whale trainer who has both legs cut off in a terrible accident. We see her hit rock bot...