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Even with the upcoming World War Z, zombies are so 2012. Pop culture has moved beyond the end of life and set its sights on the end of everything with a slew of apocalyptic flicks like Seeking a Friend for the End of the World,...

Stand Up Guys
Stand Up Guys
Stand Up Guys

Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin and Al Pacino are oldies but goodies. They’re veteran actors who aren’t beyond taking roles in small, independent films that have little change of turning into box office hits. And they do a decen...

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
The Last Stand

Well, he said he’d “be back.” And Arnold Schwarzenegger is back, alright, delivering those simple-minded one-liners with an accent as thick as always in The Last Stand, a new action film that picks up where all his crappy actio...

Dredd 3D
Dredd 3D
Dredd 3D

Dredd 3D is set in a desperate, gritty American super-city of the future that might be totally ruled by fear if it weren’t for the “judges”—heavily armed uniformed law enforcement officials who operate under a legal system that...


‘Arbitrage’ gets stuck in Gere

September 18, 2012

At 63, Richard Gere is still a sex symbol. The guy is still in good shape and doesn’t seem to have lost a strand of his silvery gray hair. And, at 63, Richard Gere is still a mediocre actor who squints his eyes to convey pain a...