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Roadside Attractions
The Stories We Tell
The Stories We Tell
The Stories We Tell

The Stories We Tell is a documentary of sorts. It attempts to piece together a portrait of stage actress and mom Diane Polley through the recollections of her family, friends and former lovers.  The film, directed by Diane’s da...


Matthew McConaughey may bring a pretty-boy hue to many of his acting roles, but he is undeniably gritty in his portrayal of the title character in Mud. Supported by a quality cast and a multi-layered, believable story, he settl...


‘Arbitrage’ gets stuck in Gere

September 18, 2012

At 63, Richard Gere is still a sex symbol. The guy is still in good shape and doesn’t seem to have lost a strand of his silvery gray hair. And, at 63, Richard Gere is still a mediocre actor who squints his eyes to convey pain a...

Despite a great cast, the film just doesn’t leave a lasting impression.