Posted August 8, 2012 by Sam in Tunes

The guys show they still got it: Jane’s Addiction Theatre of the Escapists Tour 2012

Perry Farrell on stage in Cleveland, 2012
Perry Farrell on stage in Cleveland, 2012

“I am very tempted to buy a t-shirt,” my friend Bob said last night at the Jane’s Addiction outdoor show in Cleveland. “But I am a little afraid it’ll date me.”

Formed in 1985, for many, Jane’s Addiction is largely ’90s band. Tracks like “Stop!,” “Mountain Song,” “Jane Says” and “Got Caught Stealing” are ingrained in our MTV generation minds. Now frontman Perry Farrell is a father in his 50s and the band is eligible for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, so we approached the night’s performance nervous that the once edgy alt-rockers might be edging toward ‘classic rock’ status: decidely important, but destined to be played in elevators and hair salons.

But Jane’s Addiction is still making music, most recently releasing The Great Escape Artist. (Tunes good enough, in fact, to keep audience members at their seats instead of escaping for the bathroom or the bar.) And, luckily, the idols of our misspent youth still offer all the skills, thrills and showmanship needed for a thoroughly entertaining evening.

Despite Dave Navarro having a cigarette perpetually trailing from his lips and Perry standing on stage with bottle in hand, the guys looked fit and fab. The show, complete with elements of bondage and backup singers dangling Cirque-style from above, was theatrical from the moment the band hit the stage. And the eternally energetic Perry seemed genuinely excited to be performing, sporting a mischievous and infectious grin throughout the night.

We’ve seen quite a few music legends as of late–everyone from Neil Diamond to Black Sabbath–and sometimes the party just isn’t as fun as you remembered it. That was in no way the case for Jane’s Addiction, who proved they have a ways to go before they show any signs of slowing down the celebration.

If you get a chance, we’d say go see them and grab that concert tee. They in no way disappointed their fans.


Sam is live-music -loving vegetarian communications professional with an entertainment, travel and tourism background. A restless soul, Sam believes in getting out there and doing things because you only go around once but knows she could benefit from a little more sleep. Give her a reason to see a movie, catch a concert or explore a new destination at