Archive for March, 2025
"The warning lights were flashing 50 years ago and we failed to engage with those challenges formidably enough and hence we’re in the situation we’re in now."
"[Joan Jett] is a fierce woman making no apologies, showing females they have a place in rock!”
Album Release
"I don’t need to answer all the world’s problems in one song lyric. I just wanted to write this happy sounding tune and let it be, and that’s how ['Same Boat'] came about."
“Iron Maiden, like BrewDog, have maintained their spirit of independence throughout their stellar career."
Album Release
"I hope you dance, vibe, shower, and chill to these remixes! I hope you make a lasagna or an eggplant parmesan while you listen to them, too!!!"
Album Release
“I am the guy who tours; this is who I've been since I was 16. This is the longest period of time I've slept in the same bed continuously since I was 7.”
Album Release
"I’m trying to poke myself throughout this record and ask, ‘Hey, are you still alive?"
"Over a prolific 40-year career, the Fall created a world that was influential, idiosyncratic and fiercely original; it was an education."
Album Release
“We’d put blankets down and Leroy would bring out a keyboard and his acoustic guitar, and we’d just hang out in the grass and work on the songs in this very traditional way — completely detached from the internet and lit-up scr...
Album Release
"I grew up listening to Bonnie Raitt and Joni Mitchell and Paul Simon. I wanted to reflect that a little more, so I started writing songs that were trying to be like them. I’m sure the first 100 of them sucked, but it definitel...