Director Nick Cavalier is a filmmaker from Los Angeles with deep Cleveland roots. His new documentary short, Forced Perspective, which shows at the Cleveland International Film Festival, is an intimate portrait of iconic Clevel...
A Broadway star still performing at age 89, Elaine Stritch is quite a character. Director Chiemi Karasawa met her by chance at the beauty parlor and the two struck up a friendship. Karasawa’s new documentary Elaine Stritch: Sho...
In many ways, Skinless follows horror film conventions. After oncologist Peter Peel (Brandon Salkil) discovers a possible cure for skin cancer, he decides to test the cure on himself to convince an investor to start manufactur...
Director Don Argott has been making documentaries for more than ten years now. He’s the guy behind 2010’s The Art of the Steal, a terrific film about the Barnes art collection and the fight to keep the museum from moving locati...
A former real estate agent and architect, filmmaker Neil Breen’s latest movie, Fateful Findings, revolves around an author (played by Breen looking a little like the love child of Garry Shandling and Richard Gere) who suffers l...
When they were childhood friends, everyone said Bernice (Lisa Gay Hamilton) and Fontayne (Yolonda Ross) were so close they could “go for sisters.” Twenty years later, their lives have taken off in opposite directions. Bernice i...
Formed in Olympia, Washington in 1990, Bikini Kill didn’t sell many records. But the abrasive punk rock band did jumpstart the riot grrrl movement, paving the way for acts like Sleater-Kinney to become underground sensations. B...
Producer T-Bone Burnett, the mastermind behind the bluegrass soundtrack to the Coen Brothers’ 2000 film O Brother Where Art Thou, reunited with the directing duo to work on their new film Inside Llewyn Davis, a fictional accoun...
Written and directed by Destin Daniel Crettin, Short Term 12 centers on Mason (John Gallagher) and Grace (Brie Larson), a couple of twentysomethings who work at a foster care facility. While Grace is particularly talented at re...
In the new thriller Closed Circuit, Rebecca Hall plays Claudia Simmons-Hall, a “Special Advocate” assigned a particularly sensitive case regarding a terrorist suspect. The actress recently spoke to a roundtable of reporters abo...