A dark comedy that focuses on two sisters (Natasha Lyonne and Judy Greer) who struggle to find a way to dispose of a man they accidently kill, Addicted to Fresno is funnier than that description would imply. The film’s sharp, i...
For Cartel Land, a new documentary about the vigilante movements against the Mexican drug cartels, director Matthew Heineman embedded himself a group of Mexican citizens led by Dr. Jose Mireles and a group of Americans patrolli...
When Anne (Barbara Crampton) and Paul (Andrew Sensenig) move into an old house in a small New England town, they get more than they bargained for. Turns out, the place is haunted by the family that used to live there. That’s th...
Writer-director Brett Haley’s new film I’ll See You in My Dreams stars Blythe Danner as a widowed retiree who experiences an abrupt change in her life of routines after her dog dies and she develops relationships of sorts with ...
Dior and I, the new documentary from director Frédéric Tcheng provides a behind-the-scenes look at Raf Simons’ first haute couture collection as its new artistic director. The film shows how difficult it was for Simons to estab...
Ten years ago, syndicated sex columnist launched HUMP!, a film festival designed to “challenge his Pacific Northwest readers to ‘get their hands dirty’ and create good, old-fashioned homemade porn.” The shorts from that year ra...
Loosely based on a true story (or two), Adam MacDonald’s feature-length debut Backcountry follows a couple (Missy Peregrym and Jeff Roop) as they venture out to a remote campground. Along the way, they encounter a black bear wh...
Nearly two decades in the making, The Wrecking Crew, a documentary about the musicians who played on records by the likes of Nancy Sinatra, Bobby Vee, The Partridge Family, The Mamas & the Papas, The Carpenters, The 5th Dim...
Rob Montague has played in several bands over the years, and now he’s decided to take a look at music from a different angle. His new film, Long Way to the Top, takes a look at the business side of music and what life on ...
The directorial debut from brothers Peter and Bobby Farrelly, Dumb and Dumber proved to be a box office hit as the film’s misguided main characters Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) and Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels). The Farrelly broth...