In the new thriller Closed Circuit, Aussie actor Eric Bana plays a sarcastic British lawyer who ends up taking a controversial case requiring him to defend a suspected terrorist. He later learns he was chosen for the case becau...
In Closed Circuit, the new thriller from director John Crowley (Boy A, Is Anybody There?), Eric Bana and Rachel Hall play lawyers assigned to the case of a suspected terrorist. When they realize the case could implicate the Bri...
Dan Kinem’s would raid his parents’ huge video collection and when he was a kid growing up in Erie, Pennsylvania. “One year, they got me a tiny terrible TV,” he explains. “But it had a VCR attached to it and every night before ...
Nerds everywhere are excited that dynamic duo Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are back together again (along with writer/director Edgar Wright) for the final installment of their Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy. The World’s End...
Writer-director David Lowery originally set out to write an action movie when he started the script for his new film, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints. But as his characters started dying off, he realized he would prefer to write about...
British writer-director Edgar Wright teamed up with actors Simon Pegg and David Frost prior to their latest endeavor, The World’s End. Not only were all three involved with the cult TV show Spaced, but the trio joined forces to...
In The To Do List, Aubrey Plaza plays Brandy, a straight A high school student determined to lose her virginity before heading off to college in the fall. She makes a checklist of the sexual acts and starts checking them off as...
The 1980 horror movie Maniac is such a cult classic, director Frank Khalfoun was reluctant to remake it. But when he realized he could film the entire movie from the point-of-view of the serial killer, he realized he could put ...
Director Gary Jones started making low-budget horror movies in 1995 when he released Mosquito, a movie about a deadly giant bug. Since then, he’s made close to 20 flicks. His latest, Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan depicts ...
In Pain & Gain, the new movie from director Michael Bay (Transformers), Ken Jeong plays Jonny Wu, a motivational speaker who encourages bodybuilder Daniel Lugo (Mark Wahlberg) to head down a destructive path. It’s perfect f...